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Theme Tuesday - A Taxi Driver
For the month of February, I will be revisiting and discovering Korean blockbusters. Many countries are very careful with their foreign...

Canon Entry - The Hole (1998)
Inspired by the 1001 Movies to Watch Before You Die, Edgar Wright’s 1000 favorite films and other lists, I am striving to come up with my...

Canon Entry - Beau Travail (1999)
Inspired by the 1001 Movies to Watch Before You Die, Edgar Wright’s 1000 favorite films and other lists, I am striving to come up with my...

Trivia Thursday
I’ve always been a sucker for pub trivia, and I almost like creating trivia quizzes more than competing in them. The answers to the first...

Short Film Wednesday - The Metamorphosis of Mr. Samsa
When life gets in the way, yet you still want to continue your film education, here is a short film that you can slip in during a spare...

Theme Tuesday - Sunny
For the month of February, I will be revisiting and discovering Korean blockbusters. Many countries are very careful with their foreign...

Canon Entry - In the Mood for Love (2000)
Inspired by the 1001 Movies to Watch Before You Die, Edgar Wright’s 1000 favorite films and other lists, I am striving to come up with my...

Canon Entry - Millennium Actress (2001)
Inspired by the 1001 Movies to Watch Before You Die, Edgar Wright’s 1000 favorite films and other lists, I am striving to come up with my...

Canon Entry - Femme Fatale (2002)
Inspired by the 1001 Movies to Watch Before You Die, Edgar Wright’s 1000 favorite films and other lists, I am striving to come up with my...

Trivia Thursday
I’ve always been a sucker for pub trivia, and I almost like creating trivia quizzes more than competing in them. The answers to the first...
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