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Trivia Thursday

I’ve always been a sucker for pub trivia, and I almost like creating trivia quizzes more than competing in them. The answers to the first nine questions are all connected by a theme, and the tenth is the theme. Feel free to share this quiz, and no Googling when you’re trying it! (What’s the fun in that?) Answers will be posted next week with the newest quiz.


  1. She infamously sang Happy Birthday to President Kennedy in an almost see through dress.

  2. Real name of controversial White rapper from Detroit.

  3. How you would write the year 2000 if you saw it in the copyright notice of a movie.

  4. This movie features Charlize Theron as Imperator Furiosa.

  5. This actress and singer played Rapunzel in Tangled and is also in A Walk to Remember.

  6. This movie with Channing Tatum drew inspiration from his past as a very racy dancer.

  7. This actor was also in that movie with Channing Tatum and was also the star of Interstellar.

  8. These candies are supposed to melt in your mouth not in your hand.

  9. She had a breakout role in Bridesmaids. She also starred in The Heat and Spy and was a Ghostbuster.

  10. What is the theme?

Answers to the quiz from Mar. 1 are below.

  1. Diamond

  2. Circle of Life

  3. FourSquare

  4. Bermuda Triangle

  5. Cylinders

  6. Prism

  7. Arc Reactor

  8. Cone

  9. Octagon

  10. Shapes

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